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Sunsets /Sunrises /Full Moon





YOu are in every Sunrise/Sunset March 3, 2011
I Feel You With Me Always
I love and miss you so much March 3, 2011
Always Remember The Moon
I love You~Moma August 7, 2010
Together We Watch The Sunrise
I Love you~Moma July 2, 2010
"Always Remember The Moon"
Every night before I come in for the night I always go out and talk to God say a prayer and send kisses up to Heaven to you and all our precious angels and saints in Heaven and this last picture was of the full moon on April 23~2010~The early mornings and the afternoon sunsets and the night sky is always so beautiful~I know you are safe in God's arms and I know one day in God's time I will see you again~I just miss you so very much Josh~"Always remember~When you're looking at the moon I'm looking at it too"You live forever in my heart~I love you so so much and I miss you Josh~Looking forward to the day we are all together again~Everyday I wake is one day closer to the day I see you again
Love You Josh July 2, 2010
"Always Remember The Moon"
We Love You Josh~Forever in our Hearts April 20, 2010
"Alway's Remember The Moon"
Sunset at the River~Love you Josh July 28, 2009
Our Angels are always with us~2009
July 2009~Love you Josh July 28, 2009
Josh you are in every sunrise and sunset
Maw Maw Bonnie & Gary April 24, 2009
Walking into Heaven

Maw Maw Bonnie April 14, 2009
April 24th Together in Heaven

You've stepped across to Heaven's shore

And we are but a breath behind.

Holding dear the truth that

All that bound us close on earth

Binds us still....

For Love endures Forever....


June2008 March 14, 2009
Everyday Is One Day Closer To You


Alexis Goudelock's Grandma February 27, 2009
Sun Rising in Myrtle Beach, S.C.


Amazing Sunset February 17, 2009
We Love You Josh-2/14/2008
Watching A Sunset With Josh February 11, 2009
Beautiful Sunset January 2009
` February 11, 2009






I love you Josh January 27, 2009
One of our many times by the pond
Moma January 27, 2009
I still go by the pond Josh but not as much-When the lonliness gets so bad that I don't know where to turn I'll go sit by the pond and think of all the times you were with us-I remember passing by that pond and the smell of jasmine and honeysucle was so sweet and you'd say"It smells so good moma" and you'd ask me what it was.I'd always tell you that it must be the closest to what Heaven smells like.One day I told you that whenever you walk past the pond after I'm gone think about me when the beautiful smells are in the air-Needless to say I didn't know what I was talking about-I'm left here and you are up in Heaven-Now you know first hand what Heaven smells like and I'm left here with the memories-I thank God for the memories,I just miss you so very much Josh-I think about you every minute of everyday and needless to say-in the Spring when the Jasmine and Honeysucle are in bloom I can feel you so close-I love you so very much Josh and I miss you more than ever-Everyday I wake is one day closer to the day I see you again.I so look forward to that day.Until the day I see you again I will keep watching the beautiful sunrise/sunsets and know that you are always there at my side.
Love You Josh January 25, 2009
Sunrise On The Pond-Our Favorite Place
New years 2009 Forever in my heart January 6, 2009
Love you Josh-Moma January 6, 2009
December 2008-Watching the Sunset With Josh
Forever In My Heart November 21, 2008
When Josh was here on earth anytime there was a full moon he'd always call me and he'd say"mom did you see the moon how pretty"and it was the same with beautiful Sunrises/Sunsets-So  now every chance I get I take in all the beauty I can because I know Josh is always watching with me-I use to tell him and I'd always write on his cards "Always Remember The Moon"Because When You're Looking At The Moon I'm Looking At It Too"needless to say I always thought I'd go before Josh and now I'm left here looking at" The Moon "and Josh is in Heaven-You live forever in my heart and I know that one day I will see you again-Everyday I wake is one day closer to the day I see you again-I so look forward to that day-So until then I will keep watching the sunrises/sunsets and the beautiful sky at night knowing that you are always with me-I love you and miss yoou so so much Josh-I know you are safe in the arms of OUR LORD and SAVIOR-Love Moma
Full Moon-July 2008 November 21, 2008
Always Remember The Moon
Amazing Sunset at the Cemetary September 29, 2008
SUNRISE September 28, 2008
BEAUTIFUL CLOUDS September 28, 2008
moma September 21, 2008
Mothers Day 2008-Sunrise







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