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Aunt Linda & Uncle Richard
Good night Josh, We know you are at peace in the kingdom of heaven filled with Love, Joy & Happiness. You are in our prayers.
Aunt Linda & Uncle
You in our hearts, memories and prayers, where there is love you are there. Where there is light you shine so bright.Love You
Alexis Goudelock's Grandma
Goodnight precious Joshua.I bet your going fishing tonight under the stars.Take little Lexi along and let her catch a***
I think about you every minute of every day-I miss you so much-Each day I wake is one day closer to the day I see you again-
Jordan Logan's Grandma
Hi Josh! I wanted to stop by and let you know you and your family are in my thoughts. Hugs sweetie! ♥
Sending my love to you in Heaven. Miss you more and more each day. I hold you in my heart where you will remain, Always!
Edwina Mitchell
Hi Joshua hope you, Troy and the other angels are having fun fishing in heaven hope you get that big one!
Uncle Richard & Aunt Linda
Good morning & Good night Josh, We have said our prayers for you, Joe-G and many other and we know our prayers went to heaven.
Dee's Dad & Mom
Good evening Josh. You are on my heart today and your sweet family too. May God grant your reunion in His Holy for now
Aunt Linda & Uncle Richard
We missed our candles last night we went to visit and spend the night with our Grand-Kids, but you were our hearts & prayers.
Jordan Logan's Grandma
Hey Josh! I know you are on the river somewhere catching a big one. Have fun! Hugs to you sweetie! ♥
Alexis Goudelock's Grandma
Josh you are the best of what life is made of.That is why you were chosen to be with the Lord.He was there for you.We love you****
I love you so much with all my heart I really miss you I remember we use to have so much fun together I really do miss you.
Tammy Mom To Andrew Cardwell
In memory of Josh your son who just left to soon may he live on in your hearts forever God Bless you xoxoxo
Tammy Mom To Andrew Cardwell
Josh I was looking at your pictures you looked like you had the time of your life,with a life well lived Josh fly with the angels
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Joshua we hold your memory close to our hearts & we know that in the end we will all be together always & forever..
Mel, Hailey(god child), Karlie
Josh,you are always on our minds,morning noon and night.We miss you so much.I keep your picture close to me all the time.We love u
Aunt Linda & Uncles Richard
Now we lay us down to sleep our love and memories of you we will forever keep-Love is forever in heaven- Love & Miss you angel
Aunt Linda & Uncle Richard
Love and is where the heart shines. Our Love for you & Joe-G must be brigth for our hearts shine so bright for you & Joe.
Aunt Linda & Uncle Richard
For every star in heaven is the sign of an angel from is kingdom. You have your star in our hearts . Love is all we know for you.
Jordan Logan's Grandma
When I see your pic, it reminds me so much of Jordan's daddy. He is almost your age. Lots of hugs going to you Josh. ♥♥
It's a beautiful night boy-I can hear you so plain-"go out moma and see how beautiful the night is"I miss you Josh
Lisa Houston (greiving mother)
I light this candle in memory of your handsome son, Josh. I know you miss him very much but I know he lives in your heart always
Almost a full moon-Always remember when you're looking at the moon I'm looking at it too-I love you Josh
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